Here you can find our latest news about publications, projects and events from and around the TCKT.

Novel journal publication in “Composites: Part A” 17.05.2016 | Category: Publications

We are very happy to announce another publication from the project “StrukVerPuK”, the FFG funded…

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Girls’ Day 2016 – Now it is the girls’ turn 28.04.2016 | Category: Recent events

The TCKT had a very nice visit from five interested girls while the Girls’ Day…

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Welcome bachelor students! 25.04.2016 | Category: Behind the Scenes, Personnel

In the internal scientific seminar for students working at the TCKT, our “newcomers” were welcomed…

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Lange Nacht der Forschung 2016 – A night for research to remember! 22.04.2016 | Category: Recent events

The Transfercenter für Kunststofftechnik GmbH (TCKT) was an exhibitor at the “Long night of research…

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