Here you can find our latest news about publications, projects and events from and around the TCKT.

New ownership structure 12.05.2022 | Category: Latest info

Since 10.05.2022, TCKT has been a 100% subsidiary of the FH Upper Austria, which was…

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Creator Summer School on plastics recycling 20.04.2022 | Category: Upcoming events

For all PhD students, who want to learn about plastics recycling – this year in…

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Recycling and Sustainability 16.03.2022 | Category: Publications

Recycling and sustainability are important topics in today’s world for reasons of environmental protection, but…

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Textile recycling 09.03.2022 | Category: Projects

Old textiles are rarely reused and hardly ever recycled. TCKT is working on improving this…

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Project HospiCycle 28.02.2022 | Category: Latest info, Projects

Especially in the medical sector, packaging is very important for hygiene reasons and cannot simply…

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TCKT publishes Gender Equality Plan! 02.02.2022 | Category: Latest info

After working towards gender equality in our daily routines, we eventually also published our goals…

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