Here you can find our latest news about publications, projects and events from and around the TCKT.

Formnext – Where ideas take shape… 22.11.2022 | Category: Recent events

… one of the most important trade fairs in the field of additive manufacturing took…

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K-Messe – Düsseldorf 14.11.2022 | Category: Recent events

The “K-Messe” took place in Düsseldorf from 19.10. – 26.10.2022 under the main themes of…

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Innovation Award! 08.11.2022 | Category: Allgemein

Today the TCKT was awarded second place in the Upper Austrian Innovation Award in the…

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We congratulate Wolfgang! 10.10.2022 | Category: Latest info

Our long-time director, Wolfgang Stadlbauer, has been awarded the Hermann F. Mark Medal for his…

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TCKT Autumn hike 07.10.2022 | Category: Behind the Scenes, Personnel

For several years now, a group of TCKT members is hiking once a year in…

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Businessrun 2022 21.09.2022 | Category: Behind the Scenes, Personnel

A picture says more than a thousand words. The 11th Business Run in Wels took…

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