Here you can find our latest news about publications, projects and events from and around the TCKT.

Happy 20th Birthday, TCKT 12.10.2021 | Category: Latest info

On October 01, 2021, the TCKT celebrated its 20th anniversary. 20 years ago, the Transfercenter…

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In the city of Mozart (and Steve) 11.10.2021 | Category: Behind the Scenes

Recently we indulged in culture and visited Salzburg. On a fine guided city tour by…

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Sustainable Plastics … 02.08.2021 | Category: Allgemein

… is that true at all? The topic or the field of tension between plastics,…

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VDA 277 – New test procedure in the scope of accreditation 07.07.2021 | Category: Latest info

Following the successful implementation of VDA 277, TCKT has received accreditation for this procedure from…

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RePETitio – PET back into the cycle 02.07.2021 | Category: Recent events

The cooperation project “RePETito” dealt with the recycling of PET packaging beyond the PET beverage…

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Plastics and Sustainability… 29.04.2021 | Category: Publications

… was the topic of the lectures at the Sustainability Weeks of the FH OÖ,…

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